Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Insanity.....Part 2

One thing I found out today when I got the crazy idea of wading into the insanity called the-last-Saturday-before-Christmas-shopping. I thought I was close to going off the deep end yesterday but then again it was me with my oldest. Except for his hissy fit in the store, things were rather mellow. He's older so he knows to stay with me. I got what I needed to get and headed for the exit without thinking twice. I made a couple of small donations with the loose change clinking around in my pocket. Another way to get the flow moving and something I haven't done in too long. I love Christmas and the feeling I get and the smiles on people's faces when I wish them a "Merry Christmas". I don't care if the good ol' boys on Parliament Hill think it's politically incorrect. They're full of stupid ideas....look at the HST. I call it the Hit and Slap Tax.
But back to my original point. I think I'm done my seasonal shopping so I've got to figure out how to get these presents wrapped with my 3year old in the house. Maybe my sister could take him......

Christmas Insanity....Part 1

I'm backtracking to the weekend before Christmas.....

Oh boy, Christmas shopping ..... Ugh!!!! Each year, I find it as nerve wracking as the previous ones. It seems like every body's impatience to get their own shopping finished brings out their thoughtlessness, insensitivities. Patience goes a long way. I know I wrote about it last year about this time but just like last year mine is wearing a little thin. I try to keep my shopping trips short and at the less than busier times to avoid my stress levels peaking. Unfortunately, I was not able to do that yesterday. My mother does not like driving in heavier traffic. She's prone to panic attacks. Can't say as I blame her. The place we live has more than our fair share of idiots when it comes to driving. It can be a constant see-saw of driving offensively and defensively. You see my point.
But getting back on topic. She hates shopping at night. It seems to throw her whole schedule I was forced to delve into the chaos that is only unique to Christmas shopping. Added to the mix which was unavoidable was my three year old. I give him mountains of credit. He was alot more patient than any toddler has a right too.
But thank goodness its over. I think.....

Monday, December 20, 2010

Lost Time

The year has drifted by effortlessly and its been months since I wrote last. I'm embarrassed to admit I allowed life get in the way. I allowed procrastination to take over controlling, pigeonholing my interests and allowed the lesser important things..... distractions to become front and center. Slowly sapping my energy. What was distracting me?? My favourite shows when the fall lineup started were part of it. I had to tape them just so I could watch them in 15 minute increments. In the summer, well paying more attention to someone else's behaviour. That alone can be very time consuming. I did do a bit of my other writing and I did obtain a casual part-time job since my other job, that I love by the way, was less than busy. Trying to stay optimistic can be a full-time job in itself when attached to the one about watching with a suspicious eye that other person's behaviour. It's amazing how much time can be wasted thinking.... just thinking about said person's behaviour while I stare at a blank page.

But I did come to realize by the change of seasons that things needed to change in my own life. I know I said it before but quite frankly nothing changed. That old quote "the more things change the more they stay same" kept singing in my ear. Drastic change that's what I need. A little hard to do when I have two children. But other women have done it and continue to do can I.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle - Philo of Alexandria

Stress neverending.....

Stress for me comes in many forms like everybody else. And it's all self-induced, no matter what the situation. That fact doesn't help when I'm in the middle of a beyond stressful moment. What could be the most stressful job?? There will be many out there to disagree with me but for me a month ago was photographer!!!! Hands down!!!! When the photographer doesn't do a good job, the bride will let you know about it.
Photography is one of my passions. I love it. I only do outdoor weddings on the rare occasions I give in and take pictures for a wedding. I'm picky about the lighting and surroundings and when those criteria don't work I'm my own worst critic. That's not saying much since I am a Virgo. But in my opinion to do a job is to do it the absolute best I can do or what's the point especially when I'm getting paid. So that's where the stress enters my life. Never ending perfection in my own head. I push myself and it works sometimes and if I'm not careful I receive the wonderful migraine. Usually three days worth.
Passions are important but I need to try and not get so overwhelmed by other personalities. They are draining, exhausting and sap any ounce of reasonable calmness located in my body.
I'm learning stress is linked to fear.
No stress........hahahaha.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


I passed my Iridology exam and I'm so excited for the present and the future filled with more possibilities for my growing business.
There's a few more topics I want to learn more about but I need to remain patient.... one topic at a time.
The biggest challenge is informing the public. So many people are not aware of Reflexology, Iridology, Reiki, etc.....which can be understandable but frustrating. But then again my husband never heard of Tiger Woods....What?!
Advertising is effective to a certain degree but it all boils down to people can be so afraid of things they won't try.
I notice every time I have a booth set up for Reflexology, I sit and wait for that first person. And I wait....and I wait.... and I wait but once that first person sits in my chair, the sign up list becomes full very quickly when they see with their own eyes what happens. Like last weekend at the local carnival. Reflexology is so effective at helping the whole body to relax, bring balance back and rid the body of any aches and pains the person might be experiencing.
Iridology is reading the markings on the iris, the colour part of the eyes. Each mark and its location can tell past injuries, problems in the body etc. It is very effective. The eyes really are the window to the soul.
So many alternative ways to help the body instead of popping a pill that might not be necessary.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Do one thing every day that scares you. -- Eleanor Roosevelt

Losing Loved Ones.......

I got reminded again this morning how fragile life can be, not that I need to be reminded. My front and center learning experience was when my husband was killed 10 years ago in a car accident. In the last eight months, I now know 4 different widows.....all women I've known for years in various extensions of my life experiencing the loss of their spouse like I had and my heart breaks all over again for them. No one should have to go through that pain....of losing anyone. The tears and loneliness following the funeral when the crowds of the first week gradually disappear, no one can describe it or understand it unless they have been through every single heart wrenching moment.
I want to jump in and take their pain away if its at all possible which it isn't but I can't help it. I know they need to go through it. It's all part of the journey. We all learn from the bad as well as the good.
I learned how much I want to help people feel good, relax, better their health, pamper themselves ever since I lost him. It took me a little while, postponing my life while I grieved. As you know, procrastination is my worse challenge to overcome but I continue to push myself every day or every other day or once a week. But I still push.
I still grieve to this day because I will always miss him.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Much wisdom often goes with fewer words -- Sophocles

Ahhhhhhh Summer..........

I love all the brilliant colours coming from the flowers. I'm disappointed to see the lilacs gone already. I love their colour and their scent. Not that I would be able to smell them this week anyways. I have been blessed with yet another cold. I say blessed because I read everybody should be grateful for everything in their life including the bad stuff. I figure colds and flus fall under the category of bad stuff. The boys and I have experienced a bout of the flu in the past month and now this brutal cold. I try to look at that maybe I'm supposed to slow down whenever I get sick but I also lose customers and income. Nobody else wants to get sick and I don't blame them.
So my task right now is searching for another source of income that isn't so strongly affected by my health and still leaves my schedule open for my other business. And doesn't alter my time with my kids as well.
I was directed towards one of my hobbies earlier today so I will push forward on that idea and see what happens. I love to write also and as you can see I'm doing that already along with some other writing projects. I'm doing my best to stay patient and see where it leads. Patience is strongly required for this cold as well. Which one needs it more??? It's a coin toss.